Kaliyan Mith

Friends Cambodia

Siem Reap

Launched in 2007, Kaliyan Mith (“Good Friends” in Khmer) fully utilizes the Friends model of social business, social support, and public mobilization to build futures for children and families.

Kaliyan Mith is directly managed by Friends-International in collaboration with the Siem Reap Provincial authorities.

Saving Lives


the teams provide a wide range of day and night outreach services on the streets and communities across the city and its suburbs, the city dump-site and in the Angkor Wat temples. Services include child protection services, health services, counseling, family support, emergency support and support to specific groups (sex workers, drug users…)

Drop-In Center:

The Program runs a drop-in center in the center of Siem Reap providing a space for young people to meet counselors and design their futures (linked to the Futures Employment project), non-formal education for younger children, plus hygiene facilities and health care services.

Building Futures

Supporting children, youth and families to build a sustainable future:

Futures Education:

teams provide access to education with remedial education support, support for school reintegration and other support classes. These classes are based directly in the target communities.

Futures Employment

the Program runs a full Futures Employment project – teams ensure that youth and caretakers access gainful and dignified employment through vocational training, soft skills training, psycho-social support, employment advice and placement in employment or self-employment.


teams support families and ensure children live in a safe family environment; this can include a stay in a Transitional Home leading to family identification and reintegration or placement in a foster care family when needed, or independent living for older youth are old enough. Support to families and ensuring children live in a safe family, including foster care families when needed.

    3PC Cambodia

    the Program is an active member of the 3PC Cambodia network

    ChildSafe Movement

    ChildSafe Agents

    teams identify, train and support the ChildSafe Agents based on the streets and in communities, bringing child protection and support services to all children at risk or in situations of abuse

    ChildSafe Training

    the team trains local ChildSafe businesses and provides information to international travelers

    ChildSafe Hotline

    the program manages the Siem Reap ChildSafe Hotline



    House #1188, Group 3, Salakanseng village, (Top Town Road), Svay Dangkum Commune, Siem Reap, Cambodia

    Call Us

    (+855) 63 761 096

    Email Us


    Kaliyan Mith Siem Reap