Peuan Peuan

Friends Thailand

Bangkok, Aranyaprathet, Pattaya

Launched in 2006, Peuan Peuan (“Close Friends” in Thai) is managed by Friends-International and works with both the Thai marginalized population and with vulnerable migrants from neighboring countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar)

Saving Lives

Two teams provide a wide range of outreach services across program areas: one for Thai populations and one for migrants

For Thai populations:

Outreach services are provided in communities of Bangkok and in shelters for juvenile offenders, providing a range of services including emergency services, counseling, child protection and employment information (in collaboration with the Futures Employment team)

For Migrants:

Outreach services are provided on the streets (to beggars), in migrant communities and worksite (to migrant workers) and in government shelters. These include child protection, support for administrative requirements (ID’s), support to access health care, registration to public school for children and access to Futures Employment services (in collaboration with the Futures Employment team)


Direct child protection, referral to social services and prevention activities are provided to vulnerable children and families in Pattaya-Theses services are provided through the network of ChildSafe agents who are based in both hot spot and key communities of Pattaya.

Building Futures

Services are provided through outreach activities

Futures Education:

Teams provide access and support to public school for both Thai and migrant children

Futures Employment:

The program runs a full outreach Futures Employment project in Bangkok and in Chiang Mai – teams ensure that youth and caretakers access gainful and dignified employment through vocational training, soft skills training, psycho-social support, employment advice and support from the Futures Employment project.


The teams provide support to families to ensure family preservation. For isolated migrant children the team locates lost family members and works with children in Government shelters to identify families back in their home countries.


Working within Government shelters, the teams support families and children from neighboring countries to reintegrate successfully back in their home-communities through case management, and cross-border collaboration with Friends Alliance Partners and ChildSafe Alliance partners ,

3PC International

The Program coordinates 3PC in Thailand:

identification and assessment of potential partners, support in close collaboration with the 3PC International team


the team undertakes a wide range of consultancy work in Thailand with actors including the government, the public school system, UNICEF, universities and NGOs

ChildSafe Movement

ChildSafe Agents:

teams identify, train and support ChildSafe Agents based on the streets and in communities in Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai, bringing child protection and support services to all children at risk or in situations of abuse

ChildSafe Campaigns:

the team conducts community trainings across the country. The team also supports local and international businesses to build their child protection systems. In addition, the team provides technical support and training on child protection to NGOs across the country.

ChildSafe Hotline:

the Program runs the Bangkok ChildSafe Hotline


448 soi saen sabai 8, Phra Khanong, Khet Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110

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(+66) 2-391 4781

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