
Founded in August 1994, Friends-international is a French Association registered in Paris under French Non-Profit Association Law 1901, # W751121526


29, Rue Vaneau, 75007 Paris, France

Field Coordination Office

#89b Street 103, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Board Members

The Board (Bureau) is currently composed of:

  • Chairperson: Ms. Lucile Belleville
  • Secretary: Mr. Olivier Farhi
  • Treasurer: Mr. Wilfried Schneider



  • Ms. Sophea Chenda Chhun
  • Mr. Olivier Veilhan

Honorary Board Members:

  • Mr. Denis Marot
  • Mr. Winston Mc Colgan
  • Ms. Annegret Marot-Koerner

Management team

Overall management, strategic planning and monitoring, international coordination

Executive Director

Mr. Sébastien Marot

Deputy Directors:

  • Ms. Ampor Sam-Oeun
  • Mr. Sébastien Le Mouellic

Finance, Human Resources and Partnerships

Our Finance, Human Resources and Partnerships teams support all our programs and projects staff and financial resources, and ensure the ongoing sustainability of our work.

  • International Finance Coordinator: Ms. Khemanita Sok
  • International HR Coordinator: Mr. Marko Ivkovic
  • International Partnerships Coordination: Ms. Ashley Le Blanc


The Communications team (incorporating the Design team) enables effective communication within all parts of the organization and also ensures that the world knows about Friends-International and the work it does.

  • International Communications Coordinator: Mr. James Sutherland

Friends Alliance Programs

Friends Alliance Program teams deliver services directly – on the streets, in communities, and in drop-in, education and training centers. They save lives, build futures and work to prevent more young people becoming pushed to the margins of society.

Saving Lives

Providing social, prevention and direct protection services to children, youth and their families.

  • Saving Lives International Coordinator: Mr. Sébastien Le Mouellic

Building Futures

Providing sustainable solutions ensuring access to education and employment and ensuring family preservation.

  • Building Futures International Coordinator: Ms. Ampor Sam-Oeun

Our Program Directors are:

  • Kaliyan Mith Siem Reap and Poipet: Mr. Maneth Tho
  • Mith Samlanh Phnom Penh: Ms. Somaya Map
  • Phnom Penh Program: TBC
  • Peuan Peuan Bangkok: Ms. Orawan Saowapat
  • Peuan Mit Vientiane and Luang Prabang: Ms. Ketsone Philaphandet
  • Teman Baik Jakarta: Mr. Ari Widodo
  • Tha Ngae Chin Myar Myanmar: Ms. Rita Naw
  • Friends-International Switzerland: Sandra Tissieres (Presidente du Board)

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Friends-International is a learning organization and is constantly improving its monitoring and evaluation capacity to be better able to measure its impact and the quality of its interventions.

  • International Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Coordinator: TBC

ChildSafe Movement

The ChildSafe teams work to ensure that communities are enabled to best protect their children. From grassroots networks in urban areas to the global travel arena, ChildSafe raises awareness of our shared responsibility to protect our children, and trains and equips individuals, companies and organizations to meet those responsibilities.

  • ChildSafe International Coordinator: Ms. Samara Smith
  • ChildSafe Agents Technical Coordinator: Mr. Vuthy Reth

3PC International

The 3PC team supports our NGO alliance members, helping them to increase their impact and provide the best possible services to marginalized young people across the world.

  • 3PC Technical Coordinator: TBC
  • Migration Technical Coordinator: Mr. Vuthy Reth
  • Drugs Technical Coordinator: Mr. Sem Sithat

F3 - Friends Futures Factory

  • Friends Futures Factory (F3) Acting Coordinator: Mr. Gustav Auer


Friends-International specializes in providing research, assessments, technical support and project design services to NGOs, Foundations and Companies.

  • Consultancy Coordinator: Mr. James Farley