Theory of Change
The Friends-International theory of change is based upon 3 observations which inform our 3 main interlinked Programs building innovative child protection systems:

Too often there is a lack of quality and innovation in current NGO service provision which often fails to adequately respond to changes in populations and the environments in which they operate. Many are still strongly rooted in charity models which create dependency (versus developmental models that create independence for beneficiaries)
Friends-International launched the Friends Alliance: Saving Lives and Building Futures programs which develop innovative, holistic approaches providing best quality services that adapt to an ever-changing population and their evolving needs.

There are a plethora of organizations operating in the same geographical areas and with similar target groups – this leads to overlap of services, competition for access and resources and an overall waste of resources and time which ultimately hurts the people they are trying to serve.
Friends-International created and powers 3PC – the Partnership Program for the Protection of Children: building cooperation, coordination and the capacity of NGOs and Government services to improve the overall quality of services and facilitate system change through common campaigns and lobbying.

There is a global lack of involvement of the wider community in child protection, either because they do not know what to do and how to react, or simply do not believe that they have a responsibility, which increases the risks and vulnerabilities for children, youth and their caretakers
Friends-International created and powers the ChildSafe Movement (CSM): CSM involves all tiers of society in being able to recognize children at risk and how to react and respond to that risk appropriately. This is linked to behavior change campaigns that impact positively on how people, businesses and society in general act and react to children.